Bill Schroer’s Publications
Why aren’t more Americans nudists? (Link)
I am a naturist… also known as a nudist.
In America, my statement is rarely uttered in public, or even in private. Americans are largely not nudists, and those who are are almost entirely “in the closet.” We’ll talk more about American nudists (a secluded and rarely-sighted species) in a moment. First let’s look at Europe, a continent that compares on many dimensions with America in culture, taste, dress, etc. (cont.)
Bill Schroer
Shame We’re still Dealing with Body Shame (PDF)
ArtPrize Sculpture Offers Snapshot of Culture (PDF)
Advice for a Good Life Story (PDF)
Life is about pursuing a passion-find yours (PDF)
Michigan and Slippery Slope of Bigotry (PDF)
Michigan Needs a Nude Beach-April 21-2013 (PDF)
Perfect Body-2 (PDF)
Nude TV Adds Sensationalism (PDF)
Nothing to Hide (PDF)
Recent Articles on Naturism
Scienctific Reasons you should be naked (Link)
Nude Recreation More Popular than Golf (Link)
Nude Beach Thrives in New Jersey (Link)
The Naked City (Link)
Can people unlearn their naked shame? (Link)
Wearing Only a Smile, Nudists Seek Out the Young and the Naked (Link)
8 Reasons you should be naked more often (Link)
Experiencing Naturism – Vacationing au naturel! (Link)
Nudity Is Healthy for Brains and Bodies (Link)
Naked nation: why are Britons so keen on public nudity? (Link)
Why Nudism? Feeling totally free? (Link)
In Germany, clothing is often optional (Link)
Don’t Knock the Nudists (Link)
Church Worships in the nude (Link)
Naturists have their place in the sun, too (Link)
Nude Yoga: the naked truth (Link)
Why Munich Went Ahead and Set Up 6 Official ‘Urban Naked Zone’ (Link)
Until Fairly Recently, The YMCA Actually Required Swimmers to be Nude (Link)